More about us.
This is the first blog on our website. Thank you for your interest in our farm. I want to give you some background on what we do and why, Our future blogs will go more in depth. Also please feel free to contact us with any questions or ideas you may have.
We started growing our own food forty years ago, we didn’t know any better so we used pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, we never used herbicides. Triple thirteen and Sevin dust were our go to. About twenty five years ago we started exploring how to stay healthy as we age. We began to see the effect GMO,s, chemicals and poor animal husbandry was having on people’s health and the environment. Let’s go ahead and deal with climate change right now, I believe the climate is forever changing. I don’t believe that human activity can affect either positive or negative the climate globally. I do believe human activity can affect local climate and by doing so will affect the health of individual organisms, be it livestock, wildlife, soil biology or humans.
We are striving to reverse the damage we did to our soil and health by studying soil biology and the effects poor tillage practices have. We believe that healthy humans starts with healthy soil biology. We also believe that the earth, regardless of your belief on how it got here, was designed to work in harmony. The circle of life. You need to get to the very basic microscopic organism to start. All life relies on something lower on the food chain to survive and thrive. There used to be a computer term “garbage in. garbage out”. I know you’ve heard “ you are what you eat”. This is why we changed the way we farm.
We ask one question before raising anything be it plant or animal. How does this affect the over all health of the farm. If the answer is positive we will work to raise it. Of course we need to make a profit so we can to stay in business but some ventures have value that is not measured in a profit/loss statement. One example is our rabbits we raise for the manure that we use in the compost and as fertilizer. Another is our egg production. We use the laying hens to control insects. Our bees are more for pollination than honey production, although we do get some honey.
We raise heirloom vegetables, heritage breed turkeys and chickens, Dexter cattle, Hampshire/Duroc cross pigs and native plants. We think they have a better taste and are healthier for both them and us.
Thanks again for your interest in our farm and hope you will join our vision.